Equine Therapy – you don’t have to sit on me

Most equine assisted therapy programs have a riding component. Did you know they also ride donkeys and mules, not just horses.

Did you know that donkeys are even better suited to non ridden therapy than horses, due to their very curious, friendly and sociable nature? They also love scratches, brushing and massage and of course they love being trained with Positive Reinforcement (clicker) training!

Did you also know that most therapy programs utilise Natural Horsemanship, or some type of pressure and release training (Negative Reinforcement)? That means they are pressuring, coercing or forcing the equine to participate. Do they pressure, coerce or force clients to participate in activities? I don’t think so, yet it’s ok to do it to the equine.

The rights and welfare of animals in service or therapy roles should be equal to a human’s rights and welfare. If you’re not going to do it to the client, don’t do it to the horse, or donkey or mule or dog or cat or rabbit or chicken.

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